Thursday, 4 April 2013

Designing - Cadoc

When I began designing this character I was still working on the basis that the actor, Will, would be playing Stanis as Charlie had initially specified. As Will had a really good natural curl to his hair I decided to keep this quite natural in the design as it would create quite a rugged and tousled look. As with a number of the other actors, Will had agreed to grow his hair longer than he would normally wear it, however, I did not want to go as long as I had in the hair design for Roran, to add a little contrast between the characters. When the design was nearly finished and I was yet to show it to Charlie, he mentioned to me that he had envisaged Stanis as having his hair sleeked back so that he would look a little more polished than the other characters as he was supposed to be a travelling performer. I was disappointed that Will's curly hair would be somewhat lost in a style like this, but agreed to draw out a design that matched Charlie's specifications. Before I had a chance to begin drawing a new design, however, Charlie saw my initial drawing and decided that it made him rethink his decision regarding not only Will's hairstyle, but also the character that he would be playing. 

Paige, Charlie and I had been discussing the character of Cadoc, for some time; more specifically discussing Matt, the actor playing him. Matt had a lot of very, very curly hair which Charlie had requested be tamed in some way. Paige and I did have our concerns however that should the humidity be at a certain level, or we were rained on, Matt's hair would return to it's natural curly form. This would prove to be a continuity nightmare. Having seen my initial design for Will as Stanis, Charlie made the decision to switch the actors and have Will now playing Cadoc, and Matt playing Stanis. This would mean that the idea of sleeking the hair back for the character of Stanis would work very well to control Matt's hair. Charlie also felt that Matt may portray the character of a travelling performer a little better. 

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